Close Quarter Decisions is intended to fill in the gap in learning how to make decisions when confronted with a situation that may need more of your attention or even an ACTION. From the time that a bad guy chooses you, you will have a very limited amount of time to make a decision. THEY choose how and when. Your actions need to be confident, quick and decisive. CQD is NOT a full combatives class but there WILL be contact.
This one day class is also designed for our Image based Decisional Drills Certified Instructors to attend and learn more about distances, time, and good first decisions. It is “hands-on” so our graduates can feel the pressure of the ever-changing distance management, WHILE assisting in class. This ADVANCED rating will be earned by your ability to help your coaches, answer student questions and successfully complete the “end of class” scenario. If you are an IBDD certified instructor, let me know when you register.
You have made the decision it is GO WHAT? Our goal in this 1 day course is to work on as many of as these options as possible. Obviously, each class is different due to all the levels of experience that each students brings. This is NEVER the same class twice.
How to draw your weapon in different (with and w/o a passenger), sitting and different ground positions.
Scenarios with teammates as "actors"
This class requires YOU TO BRING:
Wear your "street clothes" with comfortable shoes
Concealment garment is required
Sack lunch
OPTIONAL: BlueGun/Inert/Practice gun with holster. We will have some to borrow at our Dahlonega location and when hosted so ff you don't have one then borrow ours.
OPTIONAL: Please make note that a SIRT Training Pistol is an excellent way to receive immediate feedback during dry practice. To order, go to Next Level Training and use promo code TCCSIRT and receive 10% off
After class, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in person or via email. This course is popular for groups, clubs, team building, couples only, etc. Please contact us to set up a custom/private Close Quarter Decisions class.
9am-4:00pm (arrive 8:30am)
You will register/pay for courses online. Keep the receipt, payment is your first confirmation. Your second and official confirmation from me will arrive via email about a week prior to class (check your SPAM). Please arrive to class 30 minutes early to complete waivers and registration.