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Image Based Decisional Drills is a well thought out dry practice or live fire exercise with a deck of 21 Image Cards (with and without additional "tools") that provide IMAGES that will help you to recognize danger and to make smart decisions ahead of time.
Recognition -prime decision (RPD) is a model of how people make quick, effective decisions when faced with complex situations. In this model, the decison maker is assumed to generate a possible course of action, compare it to the constraints imposed by the situation, and select the first course of action that is not rejected. RPD has been described in diverse groups including trauma nurses, fireground commanders, chess players, and stock market traders. It functions well in conditions of time pressure, and in which information is partial and goals poorly defined. The limitations of RPD include the need for extensive experience among decision-makers (in order to correctly recognize the salient features of a problem and model solutions) and the problem of the failure of recognition and modeling in unusual or misidentified circumstances. It appears, as discussed by Gary A. Klein in Sources of Power,[1] to be a valid model for how human decision-makers make decisions. READ IT!
Image Based Decisional Drills will help teach you to you access the situation using a mental simulation for a plausible course of action, allowing you to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies in the content of the scenario.
If you are your first responder, then you are responsible for a wide array of skill sets. Seeing, recognizing, and believing danger is the first task. Having a plan for avoidance, deselection, and escalation are next. The first time you have to use verbal commands, put an object between you and another person, deal with a nuisance, identify a possible threat in the dark, or use non lethal or lethal force should NOT be when your safety is on the line. You MUST practice all of these skills ahead of time.
There are very few home training, self protection training for professionals or students, dry practice or live fire range exercises for the private citizen that focus on making lethal, less than lethal and non lethal decisions quickly. Our Image Based Decisional Drills are intended to fill in the gap in learning how to make decisions using images to provoke a response, decide which TOOL to use, and then ACT on that decision. From the time that a bad guy chooses you, you will have a very limited amount of time to make a decision. THEY choose how and when. Your actions need to be confident, quick and decisive.
Decisions are more important than techniques. Our goal in IBDD is to supply an avenue to learn good decision and provide some simple, yet very effective techniques. Please consider attending additional classes that can help strengthen your non lethal, less than lethal and lethal skills. IBDD focuses on good decisions and will give you an excellent place to practice new skills or sharpen new ones.
In all scenarios the image is happening to YOU, in front of YOU, beside YOU or behind YOU. YOU are your first responder and decisions need to be made quickly.