DEFINITION OF SUCCESS: Offer a learning experience tailored to each students individual strengths. Help our guests understand the 4 fundamentals of shooting, gun safety and firearm manipulation with patience, open communication, and positive feedback.
Entry Level Pistol Essentials:
Instructors Shelley Hill, Tamara Kosoris, Mike Rossi and/or Harriett Williams
Want to borrow an HK with a Holosun optic to train with while you are here? We got cha covered at NO CHARGE! We will also supply an appendix holster. Please specify if you are right of left handed when you reserve this.
Entry Level Pistol Essentials is The Complete Combatant's 4.5 hour ENTRY LEVEL clinic. This is one of Shelley, Harriett, Tamara and Mike's favorite classes to teach. The most important lesson is the first lesson. Fundamentals and principles of shooting should to be instilled in the beginning shooter, helping to create a useful skill set. Your first lesson should be with a professional and knowledgeable team that enjoys helping new clients explore the world of shooting and self defense.
The decision to explore the shooting arts is personal and sometimes an intimidating one, and you owe to yourself to have the best instruction possible to help make good decisions about safety, equipment, and the use of lethal force.
If the quotes below sound familiar then this class is YOUR class!
"I have never held a firearm"
"I am afraid of guns. Do they just GO OFF"?
"I shot a little bit when I was a kid"
"I have fired under 100 rounds"
"I just want to experience shooting a gun"
"I want to start my journey to carrying a firearm"
"I shoot on private property but have never had any formal training"
"I am ready to LEARN MORE" but a fast paced class with tons of students is not for me.
"I don't want to be coddled but I also don't want to be left alone. I am a bit anxious"
"I would like to call you before I register. Is that ok?"
You will register/pay for courses online. Keep the receipt, payment is your first confirmation. Your second and official confirmation from me will arrive via email about a week prior to class (check your SPAM). Please arrive to class 30 minutes early to complete waivers and registration.
Skill Level:
You need to be able to follow directions from our coaches
Men and women
Ages 16 - 18 (attending with a parent)
Ages 18 and above
Be prepared to have fun while learning because we have fun teaching and happiness is contagious!
Classroom FUNDAMENTALS are the key to everything! The Complete Combatant's Entry Level Pistol Essentials Clinic will start in a classroom setting focusing on safe gun handling, mindset, operation of a firearm and introduce you to the 4 fundamentals of grip, sights, trigger and follow through (dry practice) with the use of a Blue Gun or plastic pistol (we supply). We will use a Bluegun, SIRT, or plastic pistol replica in the classroom. We will also go over "range" commands, loading your magazine, and expectations.
NO firearm or ammo allowed in the "classroom"
LEAVE YOUR RANGE GEAR & FIREARM LOCKED IN YOUR VEHICLE! NO lethal weapons are allowed during the morning classroom portion of this class. Please arrive with your firearm secured in a range bag, gun rug or case. LEAVE YOUR RANGE GEAR & FIREARM LOCKED IN YOUR VEHICLE until the appropriate time to retrieve them.
Interactive PowerPoint that you follow with your own booklet (to keep)
The classroom portion will be held in our beautiful pavilion and then we will walk over to the range for the live fire portion. VERY UNIQUE EXPERIENCE!
Range We will start the live fire portion off with safety lifestyle rules re-cap, operating a firearm, and dry practicing the fundamentals with your firearm.
Transport firearms unloaded and in a range bag
The range will be considered a "COLD " range
Now the FUN REALLY BEGINS with sending some rounds down range! We will repeat everything you have already worked on in the classroom setting and the dry practice but this time your firearm will go BANG. We will work from a "table start or low ready" position (no holster needed during class), we will move at a comfortable pace and we will be beside you every step of the way.
There have been times that we run a few minutes late because we like to work “one on one” with each of you. Be prepared to stay a half hour later…just in case!
Closing: We will finish classes with a few words from your coaches, recommendations, Certificates of Participation (or emailed), and hand out White Ant Rank Patches.
TOP SHOT: Our Top Shot Award (and prize) will be given out to the person that shoots the highest score on the "end of day" test. This is a HUGE accomplishment that should not go unnoticed. CONGRATS!
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED AWARD: Our Challenge Accepted Award goes out too the person that faced their fears, changed their mindset, and worked their bums off to accept the challenge of working through obstacles. The person that earns this award will also receive a "one on one" consultation with Tom Kelly of Dark Star Gear. You will discuss your current gear, goals and ways to improve your shooting journey. This consult will include up to $250 GIFT CERTIFICATE. This GC will be "spent" according to your gear "needs" after your consultation. Thank you Dark Star Gear!
Every client will receive a WHITE "Complete Combat Ant" rank patch! You challenged yourself and CAME TO A PROFESSIONAL FIREARMS TRAINING CLASS...good for you! Accuracy standards and challenges are a BIG part of our classes. Please visit our Challenges page for details on WHAT YOU CAN EARN AND HOW!
Gear List:
You will need a firearm. You can BRING YOUR OWN or borrow
LEAVE YOUR RANGE GEAR & FIREARM LOCKED IN YOUR VEHICLE! NO lethal weapons are allowed during the morning classroom portion of this class. Please arrive with your firearm secured in a range bag, gun rug or case. LEAVE YOUR RANGE GEAR & FIREARM LOCKED IN YOUR VEHICLE until the appropriate time to retrieve them.
You can BORROW a H&K VP9 or VP9Sk (with IRON sights) from us at NO CHARGE. Please contact me immediately to reserve this H&K 9mm pistol
You can purchase 9mm ammo FROM US at $30 CASH per box of 50 rounds of 9mm. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED TO BUY 9MM BEFORE CLASS SO WE HAVE IT AVAILABLE.
2 magazines
$20 cash range fee
50 rounds ammo (we will shoot 25-50 rounds)
Note taking abilities
Eye protection and ear protection
Wear comfortable shoes like tennis shoes or boots. NO OPEN TOED SHOES, CROCKS, OR THE LIKE.
Inclement weather prepared! We will train in rain or shine