CLICK HERE for Andrew Branca's 1st 30 minute Facebook LIVE & to hear a bit more about Brian & Andrew's NEW class (starts about 14 minutes into this session)
Class Date: Friday, October 27th, 2017
Legal Knowledge: The Missing Tool with Andrew Branca of The Law of Self Defense & Brian Hill of The Complete Combatant. Andrew & Brian present a 3 hour innovative class that meets the needs of our community through an interactive LIVE presentation with Brian Hill on location and Andrew Branca via SKYPE!
Let’s face it, the world isn’t always nice. That’s why you take steps to protect yourself and your family. Whether it be that shotgun in the corner, the sidearm on your hip, or the pepper spray you give your daughter, you meet that fundamental responsibility. But if you’re like most people, your preparations still lack a critical knowledge! Andrew and Brian devised this energetic course to help you understand The Law of Self Defense through videos, stories of experience, Q & A with Andrew and even laughter! The goal is to help the average citizen navigate the legal system. Andrew F. Branca, Esq. is currently in his third decade of practicing law, and is an internationally-recognized expert on the law of self-defense of the United States. Andrew is a Guest Lecturer at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Academy, a former Guest Instructor at the Sig Sauer Academy, an NRA Life-Benefactor Member, and an NRA Certified Instructor. He also teaches lawyers how to argue self-defense cases as a certified instructor with the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) system in numerous states around the country. Andrew is also a host on the Outdoor Channel’s TV show “The Best Defense” and contributor to the National Review Online. Andrew has been quoted as a SME (subject-matter expert) on use-of-force law by the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and many other mainstream media, including nationally syndicated broadcast media. Recently, Andrew won the UC Berkeley Law School debate on “Stand-Your-Ground,” and spoke at the NRA Annual Meeting Law Symposium on self-defense law. He is also a founding member of USCCA’s Legal Advisory Board. In addition to being a lawyer, Andrew is also a competitive handgun shooter, an IDPA Charter/Life member (IDPA #13), and a Master-class competitor in multiple IDPA divisions. Brian Hill is not only the owner and head coach of Fusion MMA and The Complete Combatant but he is also a member of Active Self Protection's Instructor Program and a firearms instructor. Brian is NOT an attorney and will not give you legal advice. Brian is an honors graduate of Andrew Branca's Law of Self Defense and will give you an OUTSTANDING understanding of the 5 Laws of Self Defense. Brian Hill's BIO CLASS DETAILS:
First Half: Brian will present, in detail, the 5 elements of The Laws of Self Defense with the use of Active Self Protection's videos. This is a fun and stimulating way to see why the 5 elements are in place and WHAT NOT TO DO!! Break: During the break you will be given a blank INDEX CARD and a pen. We ask that you write down 1 (one) question that you would like to ask Andrew Branca about Self Defense Laws in Georgia and then give your index card to Brian. Brian will organize (and group) the questions for Andrew. Second Half: Andrew will join us LIVE via SKYPE to discuss current events and Q & A. Brian will read your questions to Andrew, which will be addressed individually or collectively. This format will help insure that we have plenty of time for Andrew to answer questions and explain The Law of Self Defense in Georgia. If for some reason Andrew is not able to answer your question then we will make sure personal emails are exchanged and Andrew will put you on the top of his email list! |