WE ARE SET FOR 2021! EVENT MONETARY SPONSORS NEEDED for 2021 Sponsors come in all shapes and sizes....INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the "gun" community but they all have one thing in common....they are all leaders that want to help keep our neighborhoods safe. They are all people that support us and want to see successful businesses in their area. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and give back! The Complete Combatant is happy to host this but we need sponsors to make it happen so we offer many different sponsorship opportunity levels. Sponsorship Opportunities HERE - DEADLINE IS APRIL 1ST, 2021.
WE ARE SET FOR 2021! DOOR PRIZES NEEDED for 2021 We need door prizes to raffle off for FREE! We would like nice gifts that can include range needs, gifts specific to ladies, training time, and MORE! Sponsorship Opportunities HERE - DEADLINE IS APRIL 1ST, 2021
OUR FEATURED MONETARY SPONSOR FOR DAY 2 is none other than HK for the 3rd year in a row!
OUR FEATURED Day 1 and Day 2 TARGET SPONSOR is Target Barn!
SPONSORSHIPS: send via check (made out to The Mingle). Please write The Mingle 2021 in the note/memo section of your check.
Contact Shelley Hill to get the address to send your sponsorship check and/or your donated items and/or to inquire about The Mingle event details. Thank you for your consideration and we hope you choose to support your community through this AWESOME EVENT for the ladies!
Special THANK YOU to the people that personally helped with this event! Thank you to my hubby Brian Hill of The Complete Combatant for all your support! Thank you Tracy Becker of KR Training and Massad Ayoob Group for the Nationwide ONLINE training giveaway idea back in 2018! Thank you Beverly and Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project for being the first training company to say YES to donating a class to the NTG. Thank you to EVERYONE who helped.....bought a ticket, was a guest at The Mingle, donated direct to Racheal's Rest, was a volunteer and/or Coach at The Mingle and donated their classes or products to help us raise money for 2 great projects. One last thank you, thank you to all of our monetary sponsors, without you, we would not be here!
"The Mingle" is a sponsored VIP INVITE ONLY event for women in the firearms/self defense industry. Our 2020 The Mingle is a weekend sponsored event (Saturday 9am - 6pm FREE and Sunday 9am-6pm $160 per person) with guest instructors, speakers, Ga. BBQ, Saturday we will have a 2 hour live live block shooting HK VP9 and VP9SKs, Sunday will be on the range all day, oh and door prizes....we don't want to forget the door prizes!
Our sponsors will be lending a hand in helping women in the firearms industry gain knowledge and meet MORE ladies in the biz. What a fantastic opportunity to be able to "pick the brains" of the ones that paved the path before us and meet ladies who offer NEW ideas. With the help of our sponsors, The Complete Combatant will offer a weekend for women to meet "like minded" ladies, continue their "self defense" education, and build relationships to support business, networking to expand contacts and to explore our own personal growth in business, tactics, self-defense, marksmanship, professions & MORE!
Please make note that this event, and our ONLINE RAFFLE, is an equal opportunity cause. What the means to us is that if you and/or your company is a 2nd Amendment supporter, want to help ladies build knowledge and support Racheal's Rest in helping survivors of sexual abuse and/or acts of violence then we are VERY HAPPY to partner with you for our annual event. A sponsorship for this event is all about different, same, diverse, competitors, friends, local and non-local companies that are coming together to support our 2 causes. Our door prizes and SWAG bags may have items that gives ladies options. What might be good for some, is not good for others. The Complete Combatant is hosting this event so ladies in the firearms industry have opportunities and choices. We hope to have "all walks of life" come together to support The Mingle and our featured charity.