GLOCK has donated a Pistol Donation Letter for the 5th year in a row to The Mingle 2021 for the purpose of us to raffle off and split the proceeds between The Mingle and Racheal's Rest! THE PD LETTER MEANS IF YOU WIN, YOU PICK THE GLOCK OF YOUR CHOICE!
2021 GLOCK Pistol Donation Letter (PDL) Giveaway opens October 6th, 2021 2021 Concealed Carry Item Giveaway opens October 6th, 2021
Here is how it works.....
The Complete Combatant's founders, Brian and Shelley Hill, are very involved with Broken Chains International and Racheal's Rest. Shelley Hill is the one of the founders of Racheal's Rest and Brian Hill is a past Board Member of Racheal's Rest. Racheal’s Rest, is a 5 day restorative retreat program that is designed to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of survivors. We exist to help women and children who experienced sexual abuse or acts of violence regain their balance in life. Dr. Karen McDonald has been working closely with Broken Chains International for several years and we are a GREAT FIT! We are so happy to announce that Racheal’s Rest has merged with Broken Chains International. BCI is now sponsoring our Racheal’s Rest retreats and programs. Please visit“EVENTS”for retreat & workshop information. Pleasecontact uswith any questions you may have about our scholarship fund and the programs they offer. Please contact her with question about getting help or donating to Racheal's Rest's scholarship fund. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be split (50/50) with Racheal's Rest!
ANYONE can enter this giveaway as long as they are ages 21 (and older) and meet their State (and Federal requirements)
ONLINE TICKET sales will be open on October 6th, 2021
$25 per ticket
You can buy as many tickets as you like. When your payment comes through, your name will be added to "the pot" as many times as "tickets purchased". Obviously, the more tickets purchased, the more times your name will be added and the better your chances are of winning
The receipt is your confirmation
Shelley Hill is in charge of this raffle. She is your host for The Complete Combatant's "The Mingle" and is also one of the founders and Marketing Director of Racheal's Rest.
You DO NOT have to be present to win
The winner will be announced on December 20th, 2021 by Shelley Hill
The winner will be contacted by email or phone or via social media
I am pleased to announce that Dark Star Gear will be donating a Gift Certificate for the 2nd year in a row that entitles the GLOCK winner to the holster of their choice. THANK YOU Tom & Dark Star Gear! You will contact Tom at Dark Star Gear to discuss needs and redeem your gift.
We will mail the GLOCK PDL by December 10th, 2021.
The GLOCK PDL will have instructions on the steps needed to follow in order for you to receive your GL*CK gift. Please make note that we will follow GLOCK's PDL rules and regulations. We will not vary
The Mingle 2022 will be May 21st & 22nd from 9am-6pm so save the date!